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The following is a list of the 43 compositions written by Pepper Adams, with composition dates and publishing companies. Each title is a link to additional detailed information, including Library of Congress registration dates and numbers, and where known, background information. A discography is included of all known commercial recordings, either by Adams, or by other musicians, with album cover art, samples from the recording (if available), and links to where the recording can be purchased. (note) |
Whenever possible, the cover art is from the original release of the LP or CD. Descriptive material for each release has been obtained from a variety of sources (excerpts from liner notes if possible, but more often from reviews on various websites; if known, the author is acknowledged). The mp3 samples are generous in size, and not just a seemingly random 30 second snippet. Some samples are meant to highlight a particularly interesting feature common to all versions; an attempt has been made to highlight the form of the tune, and wherever feasible, the featured soloist. |
To date, there are a total of 166 distinct commercial recordings of Pepper’s compositions. Nine albums (by others) are devoted exclusively to his tunes. Many of Pepper’s recordings of his tunes were on dates for which he was a sideman.
It is hoped that a resurgence of interest in Adams’ compositions will result in the availability of many new versions for many years to come. Please direct comments, additions, corrections, suggestions, etc. to info@pepperadams.com. |